Welcome to our shop now if you have got this far it's for one reason you are serious about starting your property journey
This package will provide you with everything you're going to need to start, run and manage a successful rent-to-rent business with the full support of myself your mentor for 3 months
What to expect is listed below please feel free to book a free call with me to discuss anything further
Business building success system that has seen many mentees collect keys for R2SA and R2RHMO
121 Zoom coaching day X2
WWeeklyacountability calls to set tasks and hit targets
a detailed plan of action broken down into bitesize piecesHow to pull most if not all your money out of a deal within 7 months and create an infinite return on your investment
Deal analyzer software
Area analyzer software
How to get property directly from the vendor
How to systemize your business so you can successfully grow your very own property portfolio
How to quickly locate properties
How to find and assess your goldmine area and individual deals
How to stage your property for professional photos
How to find tenants and keep them
How to stack discounts quickly and effectively
How to structure and set up your new limited company
Understand article 4 and HMO license criteria
Legal pack and health and safety pack
All scripts so you know what to say to agents and landlords
You will also be able to keep all slides and software
Everything downloaded directly to your laptop with clear instructions
12 months of ongoing support with myself
help with assessing any properties you want to take on
2 property viewings
chance to joint venture with myself in the future
access to our closed Facebook group to discuss deals with like-minded people
exclusive tips on how to target the right people in estate agents to get results
This really is the full gold package that will see you become a successful property investor within the year